There are many types of heart disease, but this article will explore five types that are common to happen. Hopefully, this article can add your knowledge concerning this leading cause of death disease.
#1 Congenital heart disease
There is a fallacy of thinking that many people do when they believe that all heart diseases are brought about by outside factors or that it needs some periods of time for the disease to build up. This is, of course, not true as one of the most common types is congenital heart disease.
The term congenital or hereditary heart disease refers to heart disease which is passed down through the family, and this is considered as being a congenital type as it is principally inevitable and unpreventable. If you have an account of early heart problem in your family then you also are at danger for congenital heart disease.
The most first-degree family members that you have who have endured from heart problem, such as your mother, father, brother, sister and so on, in particular those who experienced it at a younger age, the higher your risk of getting it as well.
Although congenital heart disease can be caused by many factors, some of them are actually preventable. For example if heart problem is clustering in your family, then it may just be because of the way that your family lives, including unhealthy practices such as poor diet, little or no exercise, and smoking. All of these aspects can contribute to heart problem and can create the sequence of congenital heart disease.
# 2 Congestive heart failure
Congestive heart failure is when the heart does not pump adequate blood to the other organs in the body. Congestive heart failure can often result from heart problem and constricted arteries. Congestive heart failure results in a heart which works a lot less efficiently than it should and can make further problems. Symptoms regularly consist of swelling and edema, shortness of breath, and kidney problems which in turn can lead to mysterious weight gain. Even elevated blood pressure and alcohol abuse can lead to congestive heart failure.
A patient may be examined for congestive heart failure if they have suffered from heart problem in the past, are alcoholic, have a family history of heart problems or show one or all of the symptoms that are caused by congestive heart failure. There are choices of examinations that aid a doctor in diagnosing this heart crisis. Treatment should begin without delay, starting with changes to diet and exercise, as patients should abolish salt from the diet altogether and sternly limit their fluid intake. Further treatment should be done by a professional.
#3 Coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease is the most frequent type of heart problem of all, and is also the leading reason of heart attacks. Coronary heart disease is a term that refers to damage to the heart that happens because its blood supply is decreased, and what happens here is that fatty deposits build up on the linings of the blood vessels that provide the heart muscles with blood, resulting in them narrowing. This narrowing decreases the blood supply to the heart muscles and causes pain that is identified as angina.
There are a few factors which are considered as being responsible causes of coronary heart disease. One in particular is high cholesterol that can increase fat concentration in your blood and create the building up of fatty deposits. Another one of the major factors of coronary heart disease is cigarette and tobacco smoke, as a smoker's risk of getting heart problem is two times that of a nonsmoker, and studies have actually revealed that after five years of quitting smoking, the risk of developing heart problem is the same as that of someone who had never smoked in their life.
#4 Pulmonary heart disease
Pulmonary heart disease is a disease that comes from a lung, or pulmonary, disorder, or a complication of lung problems where the blood flow into the lungs is slowed or even totally blocked, resulting in increased pressure on the lungs. There are a number of different symptoms that typically come with pulmonary heart disease, such as shortness of breath, syncope, dyspnoea, and chest pain.
It is a state which is often misdiagnosed, and has frequently progressed to late stages by the time that it is actually correctly diagnosed. It has been previously chronic and untreatable with a poor survival rate. However, there are now numerous new treatments which are accessible which have extensively improved the overall prognosis of this disease.
#5 Rheumatic heart disease
Rheumatic heart disease frequently derives from strep throat infections. This can be a reason for alarm for many because strep throat, while often preventable, is a quite common condition that affects many people who do not treat a minor sore throat infection in time. However, there is no reason to be because rheumatic heart disease that comes from strep throat is fairly rare. Actually, the sheer volume of cases of rheumatic heart disease has decreased considerably since the 1960's.
When you mention heart disease, usually you think of it as a single condition, yet there are actually quite a few different types of diseases of the heart which you can develop. So what different types of disease are there and just how can you tell which type you may have?
Knowing the Different Types of Diseases of The Heart
Heart disease generally refers to all different sections of the heart. It could be a problem to do with the hearts valves, the heart's lining or even the heart's muscles. Generally every single part of the heart could be affected and each part refers to a different type of heart disease.
Some of the different types of heart disease include:
*Coronary Artery Disease
This is by far one of the most common types of heart disease and it is one of the biggest killers within America. This type of disease occurs when the heart is not getting enough blood into it and therefore it does not get enough oxygen in order to pump the blood back around the body. The scary thing about coronary heart disease is that it can occur with no prior warning signs and that can sometimes, in severe cases, lead to death. Other symptoms of the condition include a possible heart attack and angina.
Endocarditis is basically a disease of the heart valves and it occurs in the Endocardium which is a membrane which lines the inside of the heart's valves. The disease is caused by an infection of bacteria usually and once infected surgery is usually needed.
*High Blood Pressure
Not many people realize that high blood pressure is actually a heart disease. It is generally a condition which is caused by pressure onto the artery walls and it causes the heart to beat harder and faster than it would normally have to. It is possible for heart failure to develop due to high blood pressure and also an aneurysm can also occur.
With all the different types of heart disease it is just natural to want to what is the most common type of heart disease. When asking what is the most common type of heart disease the one that stands alone atop the heap of carnage is coronary heart disease. A recent statistical study found that almost seventy percent of heart disease cases were CHD related.
The underlying cause of coronary artery disease is plaque deposits which have formed in the large arteries. Plaque is made up of cholesterol, dead cells, fibrous proteins, and calcium. The accumulations of cholesterol in the arterial wall gets the ball rolling and is a central player in all cases of CHD.
If you haven't heard of cholesterol I would like to welcome you back from your fifteen years stranded on a that deserted island and hopefully you didn't eat too many high cholesterol coconuts while you were there. While most have heard of cholesterol they might not know exactly how cholesterol impacts heart health.
Cholesterol and triglycerides are blood fats. Cholesterol is a late stage fat with triglycerides being an early stage blood fat. They are both dangerous and there is some discussion as to which is actually the worst but from my point of view bad is bad on any level. These blood fats are transported through the bloodstream by lipoproteins most of which is of the LDL variety. LDL is known as bad cholesterol and is a major contributing factor to atherosclerosis. HDL on the other hand is known as good cholesterol and can actually remove dangerous arterial plaque. Evidence seems to suggests that the greater the imbalance between LDL and HDL the better the chances of developing coronary artery disease.
No we know the answer our question of what is the most common form of heart disease is coronary heart disease, but what are the symptoms. The bad news here is that early stage CHD produces few if any noticeable symptoms. It is not until significant blockage of one or more arteries occurs that symptoms start to be seen. There is a laundry list of symptoms but the most common are shortness of breath, chest or back pain, lack of energy, weakness, excessive sweating, and fluid accumulation in the ankles or lungs.
What can be done to avoid or reverse CHD?
Unlike many serious conditions CHD can often times be reversed through lifestyle modification. This would include quitting smoking; diet modification including reducing saturated fat and sodium while increasing consumption of fruits, vegetables, soluble fiber, and fish; maintaining a healthy weight; reducing stress; and dusting off those exercise shoes in route to starting a daily exercise routine.
What else? Reducing blood cholesterol levels should be at the center of any plan to reverse CHD. Along these lines some people feel they need a little extra help and have found it in the form of a natural cholesterol reduction supplement. If you have been searching for a safe and effective way to reduce cholesterol these types of alternative treatments just might give you that little bit of extra help needed to send high cholesterol packing once and for all.