Heart Disease Facts For You

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Heart disease is the number one killer in many countries. Blockage of the coronary arteries that carry blood to the heart is the major reason for heart disease. It is the main reason contributing to heart attack. A study shows that a person suffers from some sort of coronary occurrence every 29 seconds. Every year, around 25,000 people die in the U.S before they reach hospital due to heart attack. It is therefore important for all to know the facts of disease, even if there is no sign of (heart) disease. Proper knowledge can help protect you from this silent killer.

8 Facts You Need To Know About Heart Disease

1. Smoking Causes Heart Attack

There are scientific evidences to prove that cigarette smoking is a major cause for (heart) diseases. Though many diseases have links to smoking, coronary heart disease is more serious and is the most common cause of death. Studies show that heavy smokers tend to develop a (heart) disease at a younger age. Sudden cardiac death is one of the most harmful effects of smoking. American Heart Association specifies that smokers have two or four times more risk of developing a heart disease than non smokers.

2. Facts About Cholesterol Rich Food

Elevated serum cholesterol is one of the major risk factor for (heart) disease. Foods rich in saturated fatty acids can increase the cholesterol level, which in turn increase the risk of coronary (heart disease. However, not all fats are bad for heart health. Olive and olive oil, peanut butter and dry nuts contain monounsaturated fat that is good for heart health.

3. Heart Attack Normally Shows Mild Symptoms First

Heart attack symptoms are usually mild in the beginning. Many people experience a mild discomfort first. If you face any discomfort in the center of the chest and if it lasts for a few minutes, you need to consult your doctor immediately and confirm whether it is a symptom of heart attack.

4. Symptoms Experienced By Women Are Different

Heart disease symptoms are experienced different by women. Shortness of breath, vomiting, nausea, jaw pain and/back pain may be experienced by women patients. Discomfort in one or both the arms and in stomach is common for both men and women.

5. Immediate Help Can Save Life

If you think you or some of your loved one is experiencing a heart attack, you should not wait. Getting immediate treatment can help save the life.

6. Sugar Is The Culprit

Many experts believe that sugar is the real culprit behind these diseases. Sugar molecules are converted into cholesterol, which clogs the arteries, causing these diseases. Eating too much of sugary foods can increase your risk of developing this disease.

7. Gum Disease Can Cause Heart Disorders

Many people do not know that gum disease is dangerous to heart. The bacteria in diseased gum can increase the risk of atherosclerosis, a condition caused by hardening of arteries. Regular dental checkups and cleanings can help prevent this problem

8. Right Side Chest Pain May Be A Symptom Of Heart Attack In Women

Some women experience chest pain in the right chest. Hence, it is wrongly diagnosed as some other disease. The best way to protect you is to get as much information about this disease as possible.

Knowledge is the key to protect you against this disease. It is worth to learn about the risk factors and the dangers of this disease.

One of the first heart disease facts you should be aware of is that, according to the British Heart Foundation, it is responsible for more than 88,000 UK deaths annually and rising.

You should also know that the risk of you being part of this statistic increase as you get older, whilst your lifestyle choices can also damage your healthy heart chances. If you have poor diet, smoke, drink alcohol excessively or are overweight then you are more likely to become a victim of heart disease.


Heart disease is caused by blockages in the arteries that provide oxygen and essential nutrition to your heart. A collection of fatty deposits within the artery wall (atherosclerosis) reduces the width of the arteries, making it harder for blood to pump through the heart thus depriving oxygen and nutrition.

As the condition develops fatty build up of cholesterol, cell waste and other substances on the inside walls develop raised patches called 'plaques'. This covering blocks much needed nutrients from being absorbed by the artery walls, reducing elasticity. The result of this is a rise in blood pressure and possible development of blood clots, usually leading to a heart attack.


Although not necessarily an indication of Coronary Heart Disease, there are some symptoms that may be a sign of developing problems. An example of this is being unusually out of breath when either doing light work or resting, or breathlessness that comes on suddenly. Other symptoms to watch for include heart palpitations (where your heart rate suddenly increases), fainting, fluid retention, a bluish tinge to fingernails or lips and unusual tiredness.

In the event of such symptoms appearing you should consult your doctor as soon as possible, though those people with high risk factors should do so even more urgently. This particularly applies to those who are overweight, drink heavily, smoke, don't exercise or eat a poor diet.


The onset of a heart attack will normally include symptoms such as sweating, light-headedness, nausea, breathlessness, a feeling of heaviness or pain in the chest extending into the arms, a stomach ache or heartburn similar to indigestion.


Heart disease is not something that can be cured but health can be maintained by managing the risks. By taking steps to promote healthy cholesterol balance and blood pressure levels you can work towards maintaining healthy cardio function.

The biggest and easiest risk factors to control are lifestyle choices, especially for smokers. If you are overweight then it s necessary to diet, if you smoke or drink too much then you need to address this as soon as possible.

Ensuring your body acquires the right nutrition can also support a healthy heart. A high fibre diet that includes sufficient fruit and vegetables is important. In order to help keep cholesterol levels healthy, food should only be cooked in unsaturated fats and added salt should be kept to a minimum. Foods high in saturated fats should also be avoided.

Due to lifestyle factors many of us don't acquire the nutrition we need to maintain optimum health. In such instances you may find it beneficial to supplement your diet with vitamins known to help support cardiovascular health.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids - such as fish oils, flaxseed oil or superba krill oil. Omega 3's have been shown to be one of the most important nutrients to maintain heart health due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Psyllium Husks - Psyllium is high in fibre and can help to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. There is also evidence to suggest it supports production of HDL (good) cholesterol.

Green Tea Extract - a potent anti-oxidant that has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol by 16%, supporting healthy cholesterol balance.

Co-Enzyme Q10 - CoQ10 is essential for energy production and helping maintain cardiovascular health. It is a natural enzyme in the body that depletes as we get older and is difficult to attain through natural diet. Coenzyme Q10 supplements are a MUST for anyone on statins!

Magnesium - research has shown that Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body. Magnesium is important to support healthy function of all major organs, especially the heart. Magnesium helps to maintain a regular and healthy heart rhythm whilst promoting normal blood pressure.

Artichoke Leaf Extract - has been shown by a study at the University of Reading to help support healthy cholesterol balance. It is also rich in flavanoids which help to maintain cardiovascular health.


Of all the heart disease facts, knowing your personal risk to heart disease and how to manage it is what is most important. Heart disease is one of the biggest killers though many instances could be avoided with simple lifestyle changes. Combine a healthy diet with regular exercise to help maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure. There are also many natural supplements to help ensure your body attains the nutrition it requires to maintain heart health. Reduce your risk factors further by avoiding cigarettes, excess drinking and weight gain.

Coronary heart disease is a common condition in this country that can have devastating consequences if it is left unchecked. For many, prevention is the key to healthier living, and can be achieved through a variety of methods. It is important to get the coronary heart disease facts that will help you to weigh your risk factors and make the move to a healthier lifestyle.

Not Under Your Control

One of the coronary heart disease facts that cannot be ignored is that many risk factors for this condition are not under your control. However, if you know you fall into one of these high risk categories, you can have screenings done for things like blood pressure and cholesterol more often, so that if a problem does arise, it can be treated early and effectively. These risk factors include being 65 or older, being male and having a genetic predisposition to the condition.

Another interesting coronary heart disease fact is that African American have a higher incidence of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease than Caucasians. Mexican American and Native American also have a higher risk factor. If you fall into one of these race categories, regular screenings will be the key in keeping potential problems under control.

Reduce Risk

One of the surprising coronary heart disease facts is that there are plenty of choices that you can make to reduce your risk of this condition. If you use tobacco, now is the time to quit, and if you are overweight, now is the time to lose.

Begin eating a healthy diet that is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low fat dairy products. Avoid foods that are high in sodium, cholesterol, sugar and fat. Exercise daily; the American Heart Association recommends at least thirty minutes of moderate activity five days a week.

If you are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, work with your doctor to get your symptoms under control, since this condition can also raise your risk for coronary heart disease. This is also the case if you are diagnosed with high blood pressure or find that your blood cholesterol levels are high.

In some cases, lifestyle changes can be enough to control these conditions, but medications can also be used to get potentially dangerous symptoms under control and reduce your risk of coronary heart disease.

Getting the coronary heart disease facts is the first step in preventing or managing this issue. By understanding the risk factors, you can take an active role in preventing this condition by making necessary lifestyle changes and sticking with a regular screening schedule. A healthier lifestyle is under your control.

So what is this heart disease fact? While most of know the signs of heart attack light headedness, left arm hurting, etc. We don't necessarily give this one much mind and that is heart disease is almost 100% preventable. This is minus the very small percentage that is born with heart defects (And those that are affected by these could still benefit from what I propose). The rest could be avoided. So why isn't anyone doing anything? So why is heart disease the #1 killer disease in America? You know if we added causes 2 and 3 together we would still not quite get to the amount of heart disease! It is at epidemic proportions and all we get from the government is this:

Eat less salt, eat fiber and exercise. Oh and take your blood thinners or whatever other medicine, doctors are prescribing you these days. Please don't get me wrong maybe those drugs are keeping you alive.

But they are not solutions, they only keep you alive. I am reminded of the movie "Everyone's Fine" with Robert De Niro, where he is traveling the country till his meds run out and he ends up in the hospital barely surviving a stroke/heart attack thing. These drugs are mostly like that things that keep us alive but always in their power and never living life to fullest as it should be lived. If we prepare and don't wait for the doctor to tell us we have high blood pressure or at risk for heart disease (And even afterwards but that is another article). We have two choices (Both of these require moderate exercise like a walk every other day at least):

    Getting off all the processed food and eating a diet of mostly raw food (51% is optimal fruits and veggies), with whole grains, fish and natural sugars.
    Or eating a decent "healthy" diet, laying off the processed food as much as possible and eating more salad. Plus supplementation with Omega 3 and Resveratrol plus a solid multi vitamin for everything else.

Either one of these and you can beat heart disease before it starts. So what are you waiting for? Did you know what the first symptom of heart disease is most of the time? Get ready for it: Death! No warning from your doctor, no medicine, no surgery and no second chance. So start today learning about further ways to get a hold of your health and steer yourself away from the black hole that is heart disease.

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